

Jo offers her passion and experience, sharing a wealth of beneficial Yogic practices.



Jo teaches workshops to help you improve your yoga methods and techniques. During the workshops we will concentrate on a particular aspect of our Yoga practice or teaching. Giving time to ask questions take notes and going home with a deeper level of understanding of the subject.


Classes can be arranged for both individuals and groups in Goa, England and Byron Bay. 


Yoga retreats are a fantastic way to develop your technique and deepen your yoga practice. A Yoga retreat gives you the opportunity to move away from your day to day life with all its ups and downs to a place where with the guidance of your teacher you have time and space to deepen your practice and reap the benefits that come with that.













What is Yoga?

The word Yoga itself means “union” of the individual consciousness or soul (in Sanskrit Jivatma) with the Universal consciousness or Spirit (Paramatma).

Most of us have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for fulfilment. Yet again and again our experiences show us that nothing external can completely fulfil the deep longing for something ” more “. We get caught up in doing rather than being, in action rather than awareness.

The ancient practice of Yoga offers a direct means of stilling the natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of the body that prevent us from knowing our oneness with the infinite intelligence , power and joy which gives life to all and which is the essence of our own Self.

This may seem far to abstract for many of us to understand. So in more simple terms it is true to say.

Practicing Yoga improves ones health both physically and mentally and helps you to navigate through life’s challenges .
















Yoga is a tool, to help you navigate through life's challenges.

Although I have been drawn towards Spirituality from a young age I didn’t start looking for a practice until I found myself heart broken and depressed after the end of my first serious relationship in my early 20’s. It was so obvious to me that it was my thoughts that were causing my suffering so I concluded “I need to learn how to meditate!”.

So I set off on a solo mission to India to find a teacher. I met a dedicated Vipassana meditator and he invited me to go on a 10-day silent Vipassana meditation course in Nepal. This rocked my world like nothing I had experienced before, finding such joy and peace within; I couldn’t wait to share what I had found.

When back in England I discovered Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and this became my practice for the next 5 years, during this time my teacher at the time James suggested I become a teacher.

So in 2003 I headed back to India for my first teacher training, a full time 3 month intensive with Pattabhi Jois’s (the founder of Ashtanga Vinyasa) nephew M.S Viswanath fondly known by his students as Master Ji.

Humanism is my Philosophy. Humanity is my Religion. Human beings are my Gods and Goddesses. Their dwellings are my Temple, Church, Mosque and such religious centers. The milk of human kindness is my presiding deity.
– M S Viswanath (Masterji)

It was amazing but I still didn’t feel ready to teach, I had heard about the Yoga arts teacher training in Byron Bay Australia with Louisa Sears and her team of wonderful teachers  and was lucky enough to get a place on the last full time 9 month teacher training in 2004.

This gave me everything I needed to start teaching professionally in 2005 . During the Yoga Arts training I had the good fortune to meet my Teacher and friend Clive Sheridan who’s experience and knowledge of Yoga is Truly outstanding, teaching his unique blend of Hatha Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, and Tantra., going on many of his retreats and workshops around the world and having the great Honour of being one of his assistants on a couple of his retreats in India.

You have to be a Rebel to be free
– Clive Sheridan

Also on the Yoga Arts training I was taught by Iyengar teachers Glen and Margaret Ceresoli who’s knowledge and passion for the Iyengar tradition has led me to a dedicated Iyengar practise , training with them for the last 6 years.

Yoga is a light which once lit will never dim. The better your practice the brighter your flame.” – B.K.S Iyengar

Jo Walter

It is my blessing to be able to dedicate my life to the practice of Yoga and my pleasure to be able to share it.
– Jo Walter

Joanna Walter is a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher

















Why bother learning to align the body?
On a very physical level it helps protect the bones , joints , muscles, vessels,tissue and organs of the body . Keeping them in a much better working order.
But just as important although not so obvious is how important correct physical alignment is in regard to the flow of energy/Prana in the body.
According to Yoga philosophy we humans are constructed a bit like an onion, with layers, five to be precise also known as sheaths or bodies and in Sanskrit they are called Kosha’s.
Moving from gross to subtle they are
The outer physical layer Annamaya Kosha
Pranamaya Kosha the energetic body
Manomaya Kosha the mental body
Vijnanamaya Kosha the intellectual body
And lastly Anandamaya Kosha the bliss body
At the centre of these lies the Self or Atman
These layers can be described and experienced differently but they are inseparable and interconnected. What happens to one affects what happens to them all.
So coming back to the alignment of the body, we can start to understand what BKS Iyengar means in his quote from Light on life
“It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self and intelligence”.
When we go to a Yoga class our alignment gets adjusted by the teacher, but what can we do when we are practicing on our own ?


Self Adjustment Workshop

During this workshop I will be teaching techniques on how to fine tune your alignment so you can have a better understanding of what correct alignment looks and feels like. I will also be giving techniques on how to adjust your own alignment using props . 


From 1pm – 4pm, Sat 5th May 2018


Will be held at Yogaji ,55B Johnston Street, Southport, Queensland Australia







This workshop is for dedicated Yoga practitioners, Yoga teachers and anyone interested in knowing more about how to give and receive safe and effective adjustments.
If a teacher isn’t sure of what they are doing the student senses this and they feel unsafe they then often resist the adjustment and stiffen up, which is no good for anyone. On the other hand an over confident teacher with poor knowledge and a heavy hand can easily injure someone.
For a student to get the most out of an adjustment they need to feel safe and then they are able to let go and trust that the teacher will take them to a place that is both helpful and healthy.


Adjustment Workshop

In the workshop you will learn how to develop your eye for alignment (both externally and internally) and how alignment or misalignment affects the energy of a posture.
We will cover some general basic adjustment techniques without props and also BKS Iyengar principles using props .
We will practice on each other and go over considerations and alternatives that are needed when working with bodies that are injured or unwell, pregnant or menstruating .
We will cover as many postures as we can in the three hours. 

























Iyengar Yoga Classes Goa

Coming to regular Iyengar yoga classes Goa will make your holiday more fulfilling and relaxing.
Iyengar Yoga focusses on getting the posture correct. Using belts, blocks and sand bags Jo will help you attain more aligned and healthy postures.
Correct alignment also allows the participant to surrender more deeply into the pose, bringing a more refined awareness of your body.
Yoga strengthens both body and mind, increases flexibility and suppleness as well as sending energy to the organs.
Jo offers gentle adjustments to assist you to get the most out of your Iyengar classes.

Out on a Yoga Limb at the Mandrem Beach School of Yoga

Mandrem Beach, Goa, India

Classes start 14th Nov 2017 and run till March 15th 2018

9:00 am
10:00 am
4:30 pm

Iyengar Yoga ~ Hatha Yoga concentrating on Alignment
Vinyasa Yoga ~ Hatha Yoga concentrating on moving with the breath

iyengar yoga classes goa

Also see workshops and retreats.
















Goa Yoga Retreats

At Goa Yoga Retreats you have the time and space to really drop in and deepen your yoga practice.
With no distractions you can fully immerse yourself to get the most out of new techniques and methodology.
The beauty of a retreat is that each participant has their own unique experience,
and yet there is also a tremendous benefit of practicing with a group of like minded individuals.
Nourish your being with good food, deep practices and warm sultry Goa air.
You will return to your normal life feeling refreshed and revitalised with
renewed vigour and vitality and a deeper understanding of yourself..


Goa Yoga Retreats


Mandrem Beach Yoga School, Junas Wada, Mandrem beach , GOA 


18 -25 Nov 2018




Joanna Walter is a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher



Also see Workshops and Classes


















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